We know
65 000 km by road, nearly 70 countries crossed, 10 years of travel and meetings. Nicolas Schmitt nous invite à explorer par ses photos, ses livres ou ses expositions une nouvelle dimension relationnelle entre les êtres pour que la joie soit largement partagée.
Plus récemment Nicolas Schmitt à visité plus de 130 companies France, Quebec, Algeria, Mauritanie under “The Company Men”. This exhibition highlights companies with a comprehensive approach to performance (social, societal, environmental and economic) to be the source of new beginnings.
An invitation to transcend our ideas, à changer de regard sur les autres et sur soi même. Discover the beauty of our world and its inhabitants, marvel, open your mind and share moments of joy and happiness.
Nicolas Schmitt official photographer will talk about his commitments
Discover in this category the philosophy our company
Here is a biography of Nicolas Schmitt, author of the photographs to learn more about his unusual career
You can also see books we have already established, and why not order a
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